Therapy in the C-Suite: A Closer Look at Business Leaders' Experiences with Non-Business Psychologists

Uncategorized Jan 10, 2024

Exploring therapy as a business leader is an eye-opener. Turns out, working with therapists unfamiliar with the business world can be a bit challenging. Let's dive into the nuances and hurdles that business leaders face. Therapists without business expertise may grapple with the unique stress, complex decisions, and career intricacies executives deal with. Having the right support matters and it significantly impacts well-being and success in the corporate arena.

Therapy with psychologists who aren't well-versed in business? It is more nuanced than expected. Here's a glimpse into the challenges that business leaders encounter:

1. The Relevance Quandary: Imagine therapists without a business background trying to grasp the hectic work life of an executive. It can lead to therapy sessions that feel a bit disconnected from day-to-day experiences.

2. Problem-Solving Challenges: Business leaders seek solutions tailored to their unique work problems....

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Five Critical Moments When Organizations Turn to Us for Expertise

Uncategorized Dec 01, 2023

Five Critical Moments When Organizations Turn to Us for Expertise

Navigating the intricate challenges of the corporate landscape often requires the specialized expertise we offer. Here are five critical moments when organizations turn to us for guidance, ensuring resilience, growth, and sustained success. 

  1. Remediating Failed Employee Development Initiatives

    • Situation: Their previous employee development training went sideways, wasting their investment, leaving critical skills gaps wide open, and creating more tension within the executive team. 
    • Solution: We step in to conduct a comprehensive assessment, identify skill deficiencies and needs, and implement tailored training programs that deliver and support tangible, long lasting results.
  2. Mitigating Employee Burnout and Attrition

    • Situation: They are losing high-value employees and their teams are stretched too thin and burned out.
    • Solution: Addressing the root causes of burnout, we implement strategies...
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Navigating Corporate Challenges to Success: Six Pivotal Instances Prompting Clients to Seek Expert Guidance

Uncategorized Nov 01, 2023

Navigating Corporate Challenges to Success: Six Pivotal Instances Prompting Clients to Seek Expert Guidance 

Organizations often encounter various challenges that demand specialized expertise. Corporate leaders understand the importance of seeking help when faced with hurdles that can impact their success. Here are six times when clients turn to our expertise to address and overcome obstacles, emphasizing our specialization in executive mental health as a key differentiator in leadership and executive support services:

  1. Mitigating Employee Mental Stress and Exhaustion: Organizations reach out when they recognize rising levels of mental stress and exhaustion among their workforce. Whether it's a result of high-pressure, high-stakes projects, shifting work demands and environments, or external factors affecting employee morale, our expertise in executive mental health enables us to design strategies to alleviate stress, foster resilience, and enhance the overall mental...

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Cultivating Corporate Excellence: Maximizing Workplace Performance with Performance Psychologists

Uncategorized Oct 01, 2023

Elevating Corporate Excellence: Performance Psychology Unveiled

In today's competitive corporate landscape, achieving and sustaining excellence is essential. This article delves into the world of performance psychology and explores the many benefits it offers in a corporate context. We will cover a range of topics, from enhancing emotional and mental skills to understanding the unconscious mind and tapping into drives and motivation.

Performance Psychologists in Corporate Context: Unlocking Human Potential

Performance psychologists are specialists who focus on optimizing human performance within high-pressure, demanding workplaces. Their expertise centers on equipping individuals with the necessary emotional and mental skills to excel and thrive in corporate environments. Let's explore the multifaceted role of performance psychologists in corporate settings:

Defining Performance Psychology:

  • Performance psychology is a specialized field focused on enhancing human performance in...
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Navigating Corporate Stress: The Unique Challenges of Business Leaders in Therapy with Non-Business Psychologists

Uncategorized Sep 01, 2023

Navigating Corporate Stress: The Unique Challenges of Business Leaders in Therapy with Non-Business Psychologists

Business leaders face unique hurdles when seeking therapy from psychologists lacking a business background. We will discuss the disconnects and obstacles that arise, offering insights into how non-business psychologists may struggle to address unique stressors, decision-making complexities, and career development needs of executives. Learn why specialized support matters and how it can enhance the path to well-being and success in the corporate world.  


Seeking therapy with psychologists who do not understand the complexities of the business world can pose several challenges for business owners and executives. These challenges can stem from a lack of context and expertise in business-related issues. 

Here are some of the key difficulties professionals may face:

  • Limited Relevance: Psychologists without a business background may not fully grasp...
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The Age of Entrepreneurship: New Rules for the Modern Workforce

Uncategorized Jan 02, 2023

The Age of Entrepreneurship: New Rules for the Modern Workforce

Traditional employment is undergoing a profound transformation. The rise of the gig economy, remote work, and the democratization of technology have ushered in what some call "The Age of Entrepreneurship." In this new era, the ability to generate income independently and the skills needed to run a profitable enterprise are becoming essential for everyone, whether you're a business owner or an employee.

Why Everyone Should Be an Entrepreneur

The idea that everyone should know how to make their own money might seem radical, but it's grounded in practicality and adaptability. Entrepreneurship isn't just about starting your own business; it's a mindset and skill set that empowers individuals to take control of their financial future. Here's why it matters:

1. Independence and Financial Security: In an era of economic uncertainty, having the ability to create your own income provides a safety net. Whether you face a job...

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Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: Strategies for Success

Uncategorized Oct 02, 2019

Facing imposter syndrome isn't easy. It requires us to be vulnerable, take risks, and accept that mistakes are part of the journey. In doing so, we open ourselves up to the possibility of rejection and criticism. While this may not be enjoyable, it's an essential path to growth and resilience.

As Pablo Picasso wisely put it, "I am always doing things I can't do, that's how I get to do them." This quote underscores the importance of embracing challenges and stepping out of our comfort zones.

To cultivate unshakeable confidence, it's crucial to learn to laugh at ourselves and view failures as stepping stones to growth. It means not allowing others' opinions and criticisms to dictate our self-worth.

Remember, we must be kind and forgiving to ourselves. Nobody has all the answers, and daily failures are par for the course. Pushing through discomfort is essential for progress, as avoiding it only leads to inaction.

Confidence and vulnerability go hand in hand. It's okay to feel fear...

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Unleashing Your Work Potential: The Power of Understanding Your Work Patterns

productivity time study Jul 10, 2019

Unleashing Your Work Potential: The Power of Understanding Your Work Patterns

At work, some of us are like sprinters, diving into long, intense bursts of productivity. However, it's crucial to recognize that this is just one part of the performance cycle. Recovery and rest play an equally vital role.

Yet, many of us struggle to claim this necessary rest period. We often face judgment from others who emphasize constant productivity, or we feel guilty for not optimizing every moment.

If finding dedicated rest time is a challenge, consider integrating shorter breaks into your schedule with tasks that demand less intensity and cognitive energy. Chances are, you're already doing this informally, but it may involve unproductive distractions and less control.

In the coming weeks, my clients are embarking on time studies to prepare for Q3. They're meticulously tracking their activities, energy levels throughout the day, moods, emotions, thoughts, distractions, procrastination, and...

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How to Deal with the Fear of Speaking Up and Sharing More of Myself at Work

Uncategorized Apr 12, 2019

Unlocking Your Potential: Overcoming Performance Blocks

High-achieving individuals often grapple with performance blocks that hinder their progress. These blocks, upon closer examination, may reveal themselves as perfectionism, vulnerability, and fear.

The fear of criticism and judgment often leads us to withhold our words and actions. We worry about what could go wrong and fear appearing weak, foolish, or embarrassing ourselves. This fear extends to concerns about not measuring up to others in terms of intelligence or articulation, which prompts us to hold back, saying and doing less than we're capable of.

Interestingly, these struggles tend to intensify in more conservative work environments or spaces.

So, what's the solution?

The Cure: Embrace vulnerability and put yourself out there, even if it means making mistakes or embarrassing yourself. Embrace failure as a means of growth. Develop strategies for recovering from mishaps and awkward moments. Own these moments, but...

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The Most Important Question You Must Ask Yourself for Happiness at Work

Uncategorized Apr 12, 2019

Empowering Ourselves: Rethinking Expectations in Work and Relationships

What do I really want?  

Often, we place enormous expectations on our workplaces and relationships, seeking complete happiness and satisfaction from them. Yet, it's both unreasonable and unrealistic to expect any person or entity to be the sole source of our happiness, joy, success, and contentment.

Attempting to impose our will upon others leads to conflict, and this dynamic works in reverse as well. We must recognize that it's our responsibility to actively create happiness, joy, success, and satisfaction in our lives through various means.

It's also essential to ask ourselves critical questions: "What's in this for me?" "Does this situation align with my needs and goals?" "What are my boundaries, and when is it time to say 'enough'?" "What do I truly desire?"

If a situation offers no significant benefits or if the negatives outweigh the positives, it may be time to think about how we can minimize our...

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